
Nov 14, 2007 13:20

So, I'm sitting here, minding my own business eating a cheesebun and reading my email. When I look down at my cheesebun and see that it's mouldy. It didn't taste mouldy at all, but ick. I hope I didn't actually eat any mould. That'd be gross.

So, anyone wanna buy me lunch?

Edited to add:

I also fail at eating in the general vincinity of another human being. My backpack is on an end table. A girl put her coffee and some of her stuff on the end table. I was reaching for my water bottle, which I thought was beside my backpack, and instead stuck my hand in her coffee. She didn't notice. I hummed and hawed over whether or not to tell her or not, but in the end it was a moot point because I was shifting my backpack and knocked her coffee onto the floor, spilling it all. Ooops. So I got her attentions (she's talking on her phone and doing stuff on her computer) and went "uhhh... I kinda knocked over your coffee-" and I was about to offer to buy her a new one when she told me it was ok and not to worry about it. But seriously, she'd hardly drank any before I knocked it over. Weird. I now feel like a total dumbass who should not be let out in public or relied upon to make her own lunch.

My hand smells like coffee.


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