(no subject)

Jul 01, 2007 16:46

So. The universe seems to be against me vis-a-vis new computer. Jo was going to drive me down town, but then car issues forced me to take the bus. I get downtown, the store is closed so I go to North Hill mall, where Mr. Accent "helped" me, by which I actually mean read the specs off of the card thing sitting beside the computer in the display. Despite this I decided to get the computer, except then it was out of stock and he said I could have the one in the display case. Um... no. If I'm paying for a brand new, out of the box computer I want a brand new, out of the box computer. I left, went home, had a nap, then went online to see what I could find. I found a computer that looks good, but it's out of stock at the online store-- but not in an actual store. But I don't have the energy to go skipping out to another mall, which will probably be closed anyway (happy Canada day, everyone).

There is nothing in the world that can piss me off as quickly and easily as a computer. Not even my brother (though he's a close second).

Roger's is also stupid. They sent me a letter saying that they are raising the pay as you go rate from 33 cents/minute to 40, and suggested that I switch to another plan. I think I may switch phone companies altogether >:( anyway, during my great computer trek I stopped at a Roger's store to ask them about the different pay-as-you-go plans that are available, and the lacky just stared at me blankly and said "I have no idea what you're talking about. We don't do pay-as-you-go here." I looked at him for a second, then said "Great. That was really helpful." and stormed out of the store.

Now I have to have a family dinner. I would rather hide in my room and sleep.

shopping, emo rant

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