(no subject)

Feb 23, 2007 13:55

I have to write a paper for Monday. For some reason I had it in my mind that it only had to be 3-5 pages long. Guess what! It actually has to be 6-7 pages. Yeah. Not so great. I easily have enough material for a shorter paper, but it should be interesting getting it to that length without sucking to much. And I mean interesting in the same way that watching maggots chew their way through roadkill is interesting. Absolutely revolting, but interesting.

But wait! There's more! I have to write and exam on Tuesday which I'm really not prepared for. Then I have a story due a week from Monday, of which I've written a page.

I had tons of time earlier this week! Why didn't I work then? I mean, I did some work, but I could've done more. Now I'm going to have to spend the whole weekend getting my shit together. Which means I should get off of here RIGHT NOW! *headdesk*


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