OMG shopping and Halloween!

Sep 24, 2006 20:31

Things I got today:
- a wig
- a crop
- a pirate hat
- a vest
- leggings
- a black and purple rose
Today was fun. Janine and I lazed around last night and this morning, gothed up and went to Value Village. Janine got these huge wings and wore them all day and while we were in the toy store squealing over the new knights they had on display this guy comes over and was like "OMG you're wings are so fabulous! My friend is a designer, let me go get him" and then the guy's "friend" came over and they both squealed over Janine's wings and then they went away. It was awesome.
But I haven't done the goth thing in so long, I'd forgotten how much fun it is. And Janine makes the most adorable goth :D
Awesome, awesome day. I didn't find the boots that I wanted, but that's ok. I didn't really expect to and it was still so much fun. I'm really loving the not working on Sundays. And I'm looking forward to not working on Saturdays as well- it's only a couple more weeks. Anyway, I should go do something productive (ie: reading) although I'll actually end up lazing around and possibly writing hot lesbian fanfic. 
Either way, I'm gonna get going now.

shopping, work, play, writing

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