Sep 17, 2009 20:50
# of ants killed: hundreds
# of ant infestations eradicated: one
# of ants stomped on outside the front door: one (constant viligence)
# of roommates met: three
# of roommates that I like: three
# of bikes currently parked in our living room: three
# of surfboards in our living room: one
is our living room reminding us of REI? yes
# of bikes brought over by my cousin so I could practice riding: 1
# of times I tried to ride "my" bike: 1
# of Ghirardelli chocolate bars eaten: no comment
# of awful ugly ID pictures taken since I got here: 3
# of times I have gone swimming at the pool: 3
# of stores I have been to in search of a good bulk foods section: 4
# of stores that sell diced dates in bulk: 0
# of stores with a good bulk foods section: 1
# of people who thought I was crazy for wanting bulk foods: 3
# of walks on the beach taken: 4