I figured I should post something...

Feb 18, 2009 17:01

My body is shot. I started half marathon training on Monday. The thing is, I planted bulbs right before I had to go run.  All of that kneeling and pulling up weeds works a bunch of muscles that haven't gotten exercise since last summer. The gardening made for a rough three mile run. I've been running before I started training, but I was really bad about going to the gym on cross training days. So I've effectively doubled how much I exercise in the past week and I started my training when I was sore. I just want to curl up in bed now.

I'm still job hunting. I've had a few interviews and I really hope something pulls through soon.

Today seems to be a day of missed connections. I was going to drop off my resume for a hospitality company in Bellevue, and I went to the hotel they were supposed to be at, and they weren't there. Then I almost got in an accident on the way home. I also offered to help a lady clean her house, and I told her to call me if she wanted me to come over. She emailed me while I was in Bellevue, and I didn't get it until 3:00 and she wanted me to be there by 2:00. I really wish she had called me. I could have used the money.

I get to see The Lion King at the Paramont on Saturday!!! I'm so excited!!!

Rachael, we have to get together!
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