Jun 28, 2006 22:37
WHO LAST-----------------------------
Slept in your bed apart from you? mmmmmmmmmark.
Saw you cry: mark and sunnya both did... or rather, mark made me cry and then two seconds later i was at sunnya's crying on her shoulder.
Made you cry: mark. boys are stoopid.
You shared a drink with: mark and all his friends at preston and jodie's place while we were watching the soccer. stupid infuriating game!! ARGH!!
You went to the movies with: neer and sunnya... ah, to be the third wheel again...
You went to the mall with: neer, sunnya and mark yesterday. we went to centro bankstown because i was craving fries of the french variety.
Yelled at you: probably my mother. it's always my mother.
Sent you an email: i got a billion about the ho/sam w/someone/someone night out. by the way, i can't come although i love you all dearly.
IMed you: sunnnnnya.
------------------------EXTRA STUFF----------------------
Do you do drugs: i tried the illegal kind once.
Do you drink: i'm catholic. it's in the profession of faith...
What are you most scared of: being alone and discontent and bitttter.
Where do you want to get married: somewhere with people i love.
Been in Love: yup
Do you drive: i can but i don't.
Do you have a job: waitress/bartender at sharkies.
Do you like being around people: i'm always around people... i've kind of noticed that i'm never not around friends unless it's on my way to somewhere else. i don't spend much time alone.
Do you have a "type" of person you always go for?: people that make me laugh and will either talk lots or encourage me to talk lots.
Want someone you don't have right now: i want to see the pom again now that he's dumped his skeazy ex girlfriend and is moving to australia...
Are you lonely right now: i've spent the past sixish hours with mark being told that i'm loved and beautiful every two seconds, i don't think so.
Song thats sticks in your head a lot: i wanna be a supermodel... cos i'm young and i'm hip and so beautiful. :p
Do you want to get married: yes
Do you want kids: just one...
Room in house: my bedroom i think, especially now that i have a whole new collection of ikea stuff to add to it.
Music: music that makes me happy and want to sing and dance.
Band(s): pearl jam, red hot chili peppers, cure
Colour: PINK!
Perfume or cologne?: perfume... i like wildflower.
Month: summer because it's warm and sunny and nice just to lie around all day and picnic and you're not cold like i am all the time now...
Stone: diamond? does that count?
--------------IN THE LAST WEEK, HAVE YOU---------------
Cried: yes
Bought something: i maxed out mark's credit card today buying ikea stuff and lots and lots of pretty clothes... but in a good way, not in a i'm-slowly-sending-you-broke kind of way...
Gotten sick: sniffley kind of sick, yes...
Sang: tristan and dennis (the german guys) and i were listening to music all morning and trying to find out what we have in common. they were also teaching me how to pronounce the lyrics to german metal which was fun.
Met someone new: a crazy russian lady on the bus today... we were discussing teeny tiny cupcakes. mmm cupcakes...
Missed someone: yes
Kissed someone: yes
Hugged someone: lots and lots of someones!
----------- I N F O R M A T I O N ------------
Name: meryl
Status: taken
Sex: female
Birthday: december 6
Sign: sagittarius
Hair color: black... like your heart.
Eye color: really really dark brown/black
Height: 180cm
----------- F A S H I O N | S T U F F --------------
Where is your favorite place to shop for clothes: places where the shop assistants don't hover and they have a rack where you can dump stuff you've tried on...
What is your sexiest outfit?: i don't have any sexy outfits... it's a shame.
What is your most comfortable outfit? all of them are comfortable. i wouldn't wear them otherwise...
What do you usually wear?: denim... either skirt or jeans and a top.
-------------- S P E C I F I C S -------------------
What kind of shampoo do you use?: smelly ones...
What are you listening to right now? summer of 69
Who is the last person that called you? mark
How many buddies are online right now?: 40
------------- F A V O R I T E S -----------------
Foods: sweeeeeeeeeet sweet candy.
Girls names: i don't like that many girl names.
Boys names: i like jordan. and fred...
Subjects in school: i had awesome teachers for year 11 and 12 so i was a fan of pretty much every subject... at uni i liked legal process and history best for the first half of the semester because we had a great lecturer.
Animals: jinx.
---------------- H A V E | Y O U | E V E R -------------
Given anyone a bath? sure... it's for the farmers. all these water restrictions... i hate to waste water. you know how it is...
Smoked?: cigarettes? only passively...
Bungee jumped?: nope but i want to go skydiving... so ho if i have enough money, i'll come to picton. wait, i want to come to picton just to watch you plummet to your death. i'll do the camera work too... then we can go to a bar and watch it like we did on schoolies.
Made yourself throw up?: ...
Ever been in love?: haven't they already asked this?? yes.
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: no although i've started crying which has gotten me out of trouble.
Cried when someone died?: yes
Fallen for your best friend?: not really, no.
Done something you regret?: all the time, i just try not to make the same mistakes... at least by the seventh or eighth time i do it. :p
--------------- A R E | Y O U ---------------------
Understanding: most of the time
Open-minded: ja
Arrogant: law student... it's in the handbook.
Insecure: i couldn't not be.
Random: wheeee...
Hungry: no, i had a giant dinner!
Smart: sometimes... also incredibly stupid. how many hours are from one to three? i'll give you a hint... it's not three. :P
Organized: about some things, but usually i'm crazy disorganised.
Healthy: not particularly. i'll go through healthy phases though.
Shy: if i'm in a room or crowd full of people that i haven't chosen to be with then i'll go quiet until i've figured out what kind of people they are/who they are and what they're about kind of a thing.
Difficult: i'm a woman...
Bored easily: yes but i'm also entertained easily.
Obsessive: with my lipgloss? yes...
Angry: i let most of it out as i go along. i lose my temper really quickly but i get over things pretty quickly too.
Sad: sometimes but not right now...
Hyper: not that often.
Trusting: i used to be a lot more trusting. i'm a lot more cautious now than i used to be, but still pretty trusting.
--------- W H O | D O | Y O U | W A N N A --------
Kill?: parentals
Slap? some sense into the paki...
Get really wasted with?: janine... it's been such a long time since that night.
Sex it up with?: marco polo
------------------ R A N D O M ---------------------
In the morning I: try to sleep, put the heater on because it's cold, rush to get ready because i'm already running late...
All you need is: love. great song.
Love is: the best.
I dream about: elle ectricity... that was a crazy dream and one of the few where i remembered the whole thing, even now a few weeks later.
What do you notice first in the opposite sex: everything?
--------- W H I C H | I S | B E T T E R ---------------
Coke or Pepsi: vanilla coke
Flowers or candy: candy... unless you can eat the flowers.
Tall or short: taller than me.
--------------- W H O ---------------
Makes you laugh the most: most of my friends can put me into laughing fits.
Makes you pee your pants: why you do... of course.
-------------- D O | Y O U | E V E R -----------------
Sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to IM you? no, i nudge them into submission. (insert evil laugh here)
Wish you were a member of the opposite sex? maybe sometimes, but i'm happy just being me.
Wish you were younger: i like my age. though being a teen in the 80s or 90s would have been fun, although that'd mean i'd be old now.
Cry because someone said something to you?: all the time.
----------------- N U M B E R --------------
Of times I have had my heart broken: so far: twice?
Of CD's I own: not as many as dvds.
Of scars on my body: way too many to count.