
Jun 09, 2019 19:08

I have been super restless.
So I planned a day at home but then fancied some time in town.

Today nothing has fucked me off.
I have no apologies to make...result.

Have I got any fears? Only the usual really. My son's slept in until 12.30 and I was worried they were dead. This is probably a fear I have to work on. I can get paralized with it.

I also feel really fat. I think it is in my head that I have gained weight. I really hate body dismorphia.

Oh and I applied for a job using the wrong job description. FML! It took two hours!!!! At least I don't have to sit around obsessing about if I am successful enough as I have ballsed up the application from the off .

I didnt really want to work for Your Homes Newcastle anyway.

I think I still owe them back rent so probably for the best 🤣


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