Take a long drive with me on California One.

Jul 07, 2005 14:02

I'm dressing up as a DEB for Comic-Con.  It's based on a comic, so that makes it okay.

I established that I like the smell of clothes from Buffalo Exchange.  I like it so much that I don't want to wash them.  Which is probably (definitely) gross.  So, I'm going to invent Buffalo Exchange scented detergent and become rich because eveyrone will love it. (Thank you Courtney for the idea!)

Today I took a bunch of my clothes to the thrift store that I don't want anymore and while I was there I bought this book:

Except, the edition I got has a picture of his boat and an iceburg on the cover.  It is really exciting.  I mean, who would donate this treasure to the thrift store?!
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