So I just read through
raving_liberal's cloth diapering articles, and I'm determined to give it more of a fighting chance than we did with Terran. I'm not sure where to start though.
I'm looking for
1. CHEAP. I'm not the type of person who's willing to spend $20+ for a diaper. For this reason, I'm thinking of starting with pre-folds. But that leads me to...
2. EASY. It seems like there's a lot involved in prepping/cleaning wool covers. Are there other types of covers? I'm not interested in the diapers being cute, even though some of the wool soakers I've seen you ladies make are just adorable...
3. Husband/grandparent friendly. I'm not intending on keeping a bunch of disposables around for those people who feel like cloth is a PITA (and there are a lot of those in my family). So, if we go prefolds, are those easy enough for grandparents? Should I get a small stash of AIOs or something to combat the 'duh'?
4. Something that will put up with my erratic washing schedule. I'll admit it, one of the reasons my FBs stink to high hell is because I haven't taken care of them. I'm thinking that full-time CDing will help since I won't be able to go more than 3 days without washing. However, it should be known that I am sometimes not good at remembering laundry. I'll put it in at night and forget about it until the next day...
Other questions -
wet pail/dry pail?
what to do when we're out? wet bag?
what total cost should I be looking at to start this out?
are there sites where I can get gift certificates for diapers? I might be able to convince some of the grandparents to go that route for baby gifts
anyone know anything about There's a woman selling 14 of them on craigslist for about $7 off their original because she changed her mind about using them with her 1 month old.
I also just rough-estimated that disposables will cost us $1500 in the first year (I can't do the store brand ones, they just suck too much), whereas cloth *might* cost $750, depending on what kind of detergent I can find and how much it really adds to our utility bills. Wow. Hopefully that alone will convince Justin it's worthwhile.
Thanks for any help, and yes, I know I can just join
clothdiapering, but I thought I'd try here first since at least 3 of you are successful full-time CDers.