Oct 02, 2005 21:09
Okay so it's been another long while...
My daughter got diagnosed as austistic on Thursday. I'm still in shock, haven't really processed it, but eventually I will. She's still perfect to me. I ove her and that's all that matters...
Phil and I are this close: |----| to getting divorced...
I actually spent this whole weekend without him... just doing things that I wanted to do, to see if I could handle being alone (we've been together on & off for almost 8 years) and guess what. I was fine. I didn't miss running around like a chicken without a head running errands for him, cleaning the house, washing the clothes, tending the children all without help. I did whatever I wanted to and it felt great.
I know that divorce is hard. I have 2 friends going through it right now. One friend that's a week away from it being final and another friend that hasn't even gotten the paperwork filed so I understand the impact it has on families and children but I'm thinking that this is what's best for me and my children.
This has been my first weekend off since we got married (3 years, 10 months, 1 week, and 4 days ago) I feel so free.
I started working out with a personal trainer about 4-5 weeks ago.. within my first month of trainging I've lost 5% of my body fat!!! OH MY GOD!!! I'm so happy. Of course with the stress lately I've slowed down on the weight loss but it hasn't stopped! Whoo hoo!
Anyways I've got to run... limited time and all.
Drop me a line or call me guys! Same place, same number.
Love You! Ticia