Jun 16, 2005 19:31
I don't know, I just think it's easier for society if everyone has the same set so no one has to feel uncomfortable because everyone is doing everything the same way.
The thought is repulsive.
What works for one person might not work for another, it doesn't mean we should all be held to the same ideals and found lacking if we don't meet those expectations.
I think someone posted this saying on their journal once " Good people don't need laws to tell them what to do, and bad people will always find their way around them" if the "good" people don't need the laws to stay in line and the "bad" people aren't going to pay attention to the laws then what's the point of having them?
Am I evil if I drive 70 or 75 instead of 65 like the speed limit sign says? Even if I'm not evil for it I'm breaking a law. Isn't that bad?
How do you determine the degrees of "bad"?
There are few things in this world I wouldn't do. The only one that off the top of my head I think is a 100% something I'd never do is abortion. But does that give me the right to say that someone who has had an abortion is evil?
I don't know, this is all of a sudden a heavy weight on my shoulders.... what's right, what's wrong, what's okay, what's in the gray area...
I feel hopeless because I can't figure anything out. I'm so irritated (for apparently no reason). I'm tired. I don't feel well, and on top of everything else I think I'm going to hell when I die.