Jul 12, 2006 03:33
OuGirliemouth: ahhh i am going to bed ..i have been pricing stuff all night for my yard / moving sale...do you know how long it takes OMG..anyhow on a side note my father is fuckin insane. he won't go to bed.. this isn't an un-normal thing. ever since i have known him he's slept in the bathroom/his car/ the steps/ in doorways...he slept for almost an hour tonight ont he landing..with all the AC's on and a space heater on him ..with 5 lights in one room on and the TV volume as high as it will go...when i wake him to tell him to GO TO BED he gets mad ( this is 2 30 am ) and tells me He's fucking hungry then trips falls all over the place..then makes it to the microwave yells at me for not listening and being ignorant.. i just walk away.. come back he is asleep everything on AC HEAT LIGHTS TV..with his head in his mash potatoes...WHICH are on the table NOT A PLATE..he doesn't eat w. plates anymore ig uess. and if i say anything he says.. IF ME EATIN ON A PLATE IS YOR BIGGEST WORRY THEN YOUR LIFE IS PRETTY GOOD LITTLE GIRL! about 5/6 am go to bed...well at least up the steps...but don't worry he will leave all that on HEAT AC you name it.. with the corn mashpotatoes... rubbed into the kitchen table! so normally mom cleans all day after working and we go to sleep with it spotless and when we wake up seriously it looks like a frat house's kitchen on a sunday morning NO LIE it looks such a wreck i should take photos
roomiat: just one photo. you know, it's sad/funny/something that all this can stem from a slight chemical imbalance.
OuGirliemouth: then i will be like DAD WE DONT OWN MONEY IN THE ELECTRIC COMPANY!!!!!!!! i am like the father to the WHOLE FUCKING FAMILY..who were about 100k in debt..then took out a mortgage on the house for 100...( the only thing they owned) and then my dad has spent another 100k on the store.. and now they own nothing and owe everything and meanwhile if i say hum dad turn off the space heater its 95 outsdie and the air is on..he says something like ...is that your only worry..then i say well when you guys are living ont the streets...then he ALWAYS SAYS THIS to like everything ...." I d rather be homeless...that way we can get out of the god forsaken state of ohio..finally be free to go where the air is clean ..blah blah blah..." he will also say when i ask about like being so in debt and on the verg of losing everything ( because he will talk about youth league baseball that my brother plays for an hour but has never once mentioned anything to me about them losing everything)
but all he says is " welp...they can't hang ya..." then then goes on some political RANT from hell..he hasn't not brought up them being so poor and unable to pay any bill almost because he cares about me but rather cause HES FUCKING INSANE!... i haven't seen much of him this week
i was in athens w. about 40 hours of work from thursday till late monday and then today was my first day off...
roomiat: well, maybe his insanity is what gives you your unique edge. it's part of how you became the person you are. and it might be handy down the road.
OuGirliemouth: he didn't go to bed till about 6 am..after i know spending all his time doing coke and other drugs with friends...all night..then all day he slept.. got up an ate.. went back to sleep ..got up yelled at us for a sec....went back to sleep.. at around 7 he was in the kitchen eating corn on the cob... of course with out a plate! who uses a PLATE! oh not just plain corn it had SO MUCH SALT and butter too he had the stick turning the butter on the table..i just watched ..anyhow i said uhmm yeah so you going to go to the store at any point today...and he said Can't i get a fucking day off now and then..well this is my day off ( and so were the past 3 years) picturing me watching this insane man ( aka my father) sitting hunched over the table spinning this corn holding the stick of butter...has to be a funny sight.. at least the face of disgust i would be wearing
roomiat: finding humor is a common way of dealing with serious issues. expect, it's not actually dealing with them.
roomiat: running away is another way to fake deal with something. and it's also my personal fav.\
OuGirliemouth: i got in a big fight w. my father about two weeks ago he said i had poor listening skills ..cause i wouldn't listen to him rant about the same crap he had been ranting about for years,,,i said MY MOM MAY LISTEN TO YOU BUT I DONT HAVE TO..it was sort of a big fight he got that crazy one eyed look where one i looks one way...its creepy..thats when you know you have pissed him off.. or he's just insane again..finally i ended the fight and said..ok..so if you're such a good listener..WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CALLED TO LISTEN TO ME IN THE PAST 8 years!!!?? HUH THATS WHAT I THOUGHT...and walked off i heard him still tell me to shut the fuck up and i was a poor listener again a week later before i watched his house for a week while my parents went out of town.
on the trip he told mom he was smack her across the face if she talked down to her one more time...she's freakin retarded...i am starting to think she is that dumb woman in all those lifetime movies ya know the one
roomiat: thanks for watching the house.
OuGirliemouth: who won't leave mr 80s hair because he luuuuvs me.. and later my little brother said mom doxie won't hit you will he....he was so scared.. can she get a freaking clue
roomiat: everyone has this stuck feeling, huh?
OuGirliemouth: i guess i wouldn't be w. a guy like my dad
roomiat: neither "would" your mother
OuGirliemouth: i think my parents relationship has driven me to be the person i am
roomiat: but then it happens. slowly. and -poof- your stuck.
OuGirliemouth: why doesn't she flippin' leave i don't get it
roomiat: and how do you feel about this person you've been driven to?
OuGirliemouth: i don't knwo ask me later
roomiat: why haven't you left athens?
OuGirliemouth: recently thats like somewhere around aug 20thish
roomiat: the relationship between you and athens and the relationship between your parents, might share some similarities. i think some people might wonder why you're still in a 'relationship' with athens when it clearly treats you so poorly.
OuGirliemouth: i like you