Jul 05, 2006 13:43
So I came up here to write in my journal before work and somehow my father has followed me into moms office and he won't stop talking it's as if i am trapped! He has tried to start so many convos with me. ugh... I wish he would leave me alone because he has a horrible cold that i don't want to get. Anyhow...so i am really blah lately. Nothing exciting is going on w. me at all. I watched a movie last night called Crash. I had never heard of it before. I am out of the media loop...sorry. Well, i really liked it...it was a bit different but i liked it a lot. I suggest seeing it ...anyone who is reading this ..like all one person.
I was sitting here today...sort of in the dumps. No real reason it's just gloomy out and i feel blue. I was thinking what if this were always my life?! You know, like if there were nothing to look forward to. I really can't wait till i get to move. I really need a change. Life in Hamden just doesn't do it for me.
Lets see what else. I feel lately like i have lost my personality. I have no creativity and i am slightly grouchy with people. I may be grouchy and they don't even catch on. My mom asked me yesterday what was wrong with me.i didn't have an answer.
I have been bartending a good deal at work lately. I don't really like doing this. I tend to not make as much money. I really am there to make money, nothing else. I don't hate it but i think i like serving better.
I just really need a change..
"i'm on my way out ...but i'm stuck here...i need an excuse to be myself again." I always liked that verse from a ten foot pole song... and that is how i feel.
Anyhow to any friends who read this.. i called off on friday night all saturday.. and all sunday of my birthday weekend! What should we do?
Any suggestions as to were to go and what to do...??