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ASif! indeed lives!!
I should have a weekend rundown ... except I don't have much that is currently printable. Saturday was spent having my hair done ... apparently I had all the wrong hairstyle for me and I also didn't notice the incredibly thick and dense strip of grey hair in front [1]. All fixed now. And next appt booked, thus satisfying 2006 Goals! And worse than that, I actually really liked my new hairdresser (my mother's, she sorted the whole thing out due to the embarrassment of my going out in public like this) and had a great time. I hate the inane chatter you are supposed to engage in but it was actually not inane or more like on the level of bonding so ... yeah.
Went home, watched an episode of Gilmore Girls then had to get ready and go to a wedding. I cannot say much about this for ... personal reasons. Let me just say that I learned that you cannot decide it will be standing only and not provide enough chairs. We went home before the bride and groom left cause we simply could not stand anymore.
Sunday was a bit of a lost day due to exceedingly poorly managed blood sugar levels. I did watch a lot of the cricket and also plant lots of stuff in my garden (Again progress on the 2006 Goals!). I've also worked out a solution to get lawn etc before my 30th so that feels like progress too. The evening was spent watching the end of Season 5 of the Gilmore Girls - the bf was kinda drifting to sleep and then there was the cliffhanger of episode 21 and he was like, "What?! You can't leave it there, we will *have* to watch the next episode!" [2]
On the knitting WIP front, I finished 2 more items but created two more WIPs. Am now left with the paradox as to whether that actually counts, especially *if* there was a quantum singularity right before the Big Bang.
I need to update my progress on the New Years Resolutions. Some of them I am tracking in my todo list here at lj. I need to work out a way to track them all and then I could just manage that list.
[1] Thank you chronic bowel disease Woot! Means I am clearly not absorbing enough zinc (or maybe just not eating it enough? Should add "Take daily Vitamin" to my list
[2] For those wondering, that right there is totally one of the reasons I like him! Also he laughed at my Glenn McGrath joke.