There’s a bunch of awards open at the moment for nominations so I’ve finally sat down and checked word counts and so on for fiction I published in 2011.
Here is the breakdown:
Twelfth Planet Press 2011
Above/Below by Stephanie Campisi/Ben Peek
- 2 novellas, one book, both Science Fiction.
- Stephanie Campisi is eligible for Chronos Awards.
- Considered short stories by Chronos Awards.
- Both novellas by Hugos rules.
- Both are eligible in the novelette and novella Ditmar category.
Nightsiders by Sue Isle
- Sue Isle is eligible for Tin Ducks.
- Collected work
- “Nation of the Night”, “The Painted Girl” and “The Schoolteacher’s Tale” - short stories by Tin Ducks rules.
- “Nation of the Night” and “The Painted Girl” - novelettes and “The Schoolteacher’s Tale” - short story by Hugos rules.
- “Nation of the Night” and “The Painted Girl” - eligible in the novelette and novella Ditmar category. “The Schoolteacher’s Tale” is eligible in the short story Ditmar category.
Love and Romanpunk by Tansy Rayner Roberts
- Collected work
- “Julia Aggrippina” - novelette and “The Patrician”, “Last of the Romanpunks” and “Lamia Victoriana” - short stories by Hugos and Ditmars rules
- All are short stories by World Fantasy Award rules
Thief of Lives by Lucy Sussex
- Lucy Sussex is eligible for Chronos Awards
- Collected work - eligible for Long Fiction for Chronos Awards
- “Alchemy” and “Thief of Lives” - both considered short fiction by Chronos Awards
- “Thief of Lives” - novelette and “Alchemy” - short story by Hugos and Ditmars rules
- “Thief of Lives” - novella and “Alchemy” - short story by World Fantasy Award rules
- Lucy Sussex is also eligible for the Sir Julius Vogel Awards
Bad Power by Deborah Biancotti
- Collected work
- “Cross that Bridge” - novelette and “Bad Power”, “Web of Lies”, “Palming the Lady”, “Shades of Grey” - short stories by Hugo and Ditmars rules
- All are short stories by World Fantasy Award rules
Amanda Rainey designed the covers and internal layout for all five titles and is from WA.
As for Fan Categories:
Galactic Suburbia (Alex, Tansy and Alisa, Produced by Andrew Finch) - Alex is from Vic, I’m from WA.
Live and Sassy (Jonathan and Alisa) I especially want to point at Episode 2 - Live and Sassy with Alan Beatts. Jonathan and Alisa are both from WA.
Galactic Chat (Tansy, Alisa and Sean, Produced by Andrew Finch) is eligible for Tin Ducks as Alisa is from WA. We interviewed Ian Irvine, Ben Peek, Kelley Armstrong, Deborah Biancotti, Bevan McGuiness, Kirstyn McDermott, Glenda Larke, Tansy Rayner Roberts and Marianne de Pierres.
ASif - Aussie Specfic in Focus (Alisa and Tehani) and ASif Reviewers include Alex Pierce (Vic), Jason Nahrung (Vic), Lorraine Cormack, Tehani Wessely (WA in 2011), Guy Salvidge (WA), Gillian Polack, Mitenae (WA), Ross Murray, Stephanie Gunn (WA) and Tansy Rayner Roberts, among others.
Nominations for
The Tin Ducks close March 4.
Nominations for
The Hugos close March 11.
Nominations for
The Chronos Awards close March 18.
Nominations for
The Julius Vogel Awards close March 31.
Nominations for
World Fantasy Awards information available here.
Nominations for the
Ditmars are yet to be announced.
Mirrored from
Champagne and Socks.