Big day today

Nov 26, 2011 20:26

C is always teasing me because I never stop and enjoy the things that I *do* achieve in a day.

Today, we went with my parents to wedding venue choice number 1 to take a tour and try the food. Etc. We loved it. And we pencilled our names in for a date - the date that we could get. Which was  a coupla months further out than we’d thought. Which means that I get extra time. For things. And stuff. And we all loved it, which is great. I wasn’t sure about the date but we popped in to see C’s parents afterwards and they were very happy with it too.

And so … we’re getting married.

Yes, yes, I know we all already knew that but … I was referred to as The Bride. I might have quietly hyperventilated about that - the reference to moments like “Announce the bride” and “We will hide you here and then present etc” - what? everyone is going to be looking at me! Anyway. It feels a lot more real now that we have a date. And my parents were there and we discussed details and and and holy crap! We’re getting married.

When I blogged a few months ago about things suddenly getting very real? This was one of them.

And I booked in for my first facial. Did you know you need to start your moisturising routine a year out from your wedding? You know, to look your best. It’s fascinating the way this industry fuels it’s own demand. All you have to do is tell a bride she needs to have been doing X by yesterday or of course she needs Y and if you haven’t had enough sleep, the crazy starts to sound like sense. And I wouldn’t have bought into the whole facial thing if my workmate who is getting married not long after me, started booking herself in for 6 weekly facials, and she is like, doing nothing at all that’s wedding train. I started to panic - do *I* need to be doing that? Don’t *I* want to look the best that I can look on the day? Meh.

Anyway, we’re getting married!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mirrored from Champagne and Socks.


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