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Champagne and Socks. You can comment here or
Strange Horizons have begun their month Funds Drive to raise money to run the online magazine. Donors
enter the prize draw which includes a full subscription to The Twelve Planets from Twelfth Planet Press.
Strange Horizons are also having a Pat Cadigan week, including a
reprint of her story “Home by the Sea”:
A cursory web-search will tell you that Pat Cadigan is the Queen of Cyberpunk, but who wants to be queen of a moribund genre? BBC TV’s Future Fantastic designated her, more promisingly, “the queen of modern science fiction;” Wired, though, may have come closest to the truth with the plaudit “sci-fi maverick.”
Stephen King launches a new radio show (via Locus):
Horror writer Stephen King will launch a “deliberately skewed, left-leaning morning show” on two Bangor, Maine radio stations owned by King and his wife
Kindle Vs iPad : Nasty Table War Ahead? Hurricane Irene flooded Bartleby’s Books in Vermont - they are going to try and salvage what was
left on the top shelves. Devastating. Justine Musk -
Why the Kindle Makes me Want to Be A Better Writer - so interesting! Readers buy more books (good for publishers) but start and don’t finish more too cause less outlay and more books bought (bad for writers?).
The Death of Books Has Been Greatly Exaggerated The Indigenous Literacy Foundation is holding a cocktail event at the Wheeler Centre (Melbourne) on September 9th 2011 from 6.00pm - 8.30pm to raise funds through the sale of original and limited edition artwork. Monies raised from the sale of the indigenous artwork will be used to purchase literacy resources for the communities from where it has come.
25 Things You Should Know About Self Publishing