6 hours later I have finally remembered why I opened this tab to update my blog. That's pretty bad huh? Shows how scattered my brain is. And you know what this space was going to be? A todo list for today and tomorrow. Yeah. Huh.
Not. Good.
I have done stuff though. But in a haphazard, scattered way. With no plan. Etc. A plan would be good though.
Up til now, I have:
- updated some TPP listings at Smashwords to ensure a couple of the titles will get full distribution. And discovered that there have been some off Smashwords sales for some of our ebooks. Also that most of our titles are queued to be shipped to Amazon but have not yet gone.
- packaged up some ASif! review copies (sorry for the delay!)
- updated some financials
- packaged up some awards review copies
- read Ponies by Kij Johnson (!! I need a hug)
- read a submission for 12 Planets
- worked on Swancon programming
- Got some morale boosting. Always important
But I will write a todo list tonight. Cause whilst that looks ok above, it's actually all the small stuff that should be done round the big things (cept for the programming bit)
More. Later.