And yet it's still only Wednesday

Mar 24, 2010 09:55

This week has felt like a month of things has packed into it. And yet it's only Wednesday. Wednesday is yoga day and again, I'm probably going to spend the whole day not wanting to go. I've ended up so behind on my taxes, which I wanted to be totally finished with by the end of this week. And in fact *have* to be, because there are no other weekends between then and after mid April for me. But I probably should go to yoga since I'll be skipping it next week to take Benji off to his boarding holiday ahead of Swancon. Sigh.

Last night I took Benji to the vet. I've been dreading this adventure for quite some time but it ended up being, like all mountains from molehills, not that bad. We hardly barked at very much in the waiting room, which was separated into "cats over there and dogs over here". The vet was a very kind man and gave Benji lots of little treats in order to befriend him. In the end though, Benji ended up with a muzzle on after trying to go for the vet when he tried to examine his bad leg. The vet thinks it's from an old injury which he would have sustained before he went to Poundwatch. :( But not much can be done for it. Benji was very good about getting his injection - didn't phase him at all. But the claw clipping, that was another story and involved being whisked behind the door to where a nurse could assist in holding him. But it was all done very quickly and we won't need to go back till next year.

maelkann and I have been talking over puppy school for Benji. And we'll probably look to get started after Swancon. I've had a few behaviouralists recommended to me and that's probably the way we're going to go. Dog that comes when called, coming to an owner near you!

He's such a naughty thing though. After knocking over my waste paper bin and pulling down all my old, and discarded, half finished craft baskets and what not, he's been going into that mess (see last photo post) and finding TOYS to play with. Last night I found a pom pom in the bedroom. And I was like, WTF? I must have made that pom pom in like 1986! Still, dog toy is probably the best use I've managed to figure out for it in 20 years! What can you do eh? Keeps him entertained! (Most of that junk needs to be tossed out. How long do you keep started craft projects that you will likely never ever return to?)

Thoughts are now focussing for me on my publishing schedule. I've been putting together my dates for books to go to the printer for vodkandlime (aka Graphic Design Department :P) who's designing them for me, so that I should definitely have them all in time for Aussiecon 4 (beginning of September). And then, beyond that for 2011 and Swancon 36/Natcon 50 and so on. And I had a bit of a panic, I'll admit. I've suddenly realised I need to do 9 books this year on that timeline rather than the 6 that will be out in 2010, alone. I'm doing this transition, I guess, from small press schedules where I was making sure I had cashflow from the last book to be able to afford the next one, to somethng a bit more like a pro indie press. And I'm taking a bit of a leap in 2011 and it turns out, that means I need to get my skates on ... NOW!

benji, publishing, getting sorted

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