WASFF: Statement of Values

Mar 18, 2010 15:02

At the last AGM, we resolved to develop a set of core values for WASFF as a whole. We put a draft out for community consultation, included feedback, and have now adopted by unanimous resolution of the board these values:

Fandom: WASFF exists to promote speculative fiction (encompassing science fiction, fantasy, horror and related genres and sub-genres across all media) in Western Australia. We seek to provide a friendly community environment for fans of speculative fiction to share their ideas and passions with one another.

Diversity: We value diversity and will work to provide an inclusive and welcoming community for fans of speculative fiction.

Respect: We aspire to make WASFF events safe for all members and visitors to celebrate speculative fiction in all its forms. We believe in engaging with one another in the spirit of respect, creativity and the open exchange of ideas.

Fairness: We believe that you should know why we make the decisions we make, and will work to make our decision-making process as fair and open as we can.

We wish for these words not to be empty, and it is our intent to back them up. Come to the Safe Spaces panel, or talk to someone with a friendly badge, or ask a board member a question.

If you see or experience something inappropriate, please tell us: either a board member or a SwanCon committee member. If you see someone else appearing uncomfortable, but feeling like they can't say anything about it, please offer them support.

The only way we can ensure our conventions are safe, diverse, respectful and fair is if we all care about it and let other people know that we care. At the business meeting it is your contribution that makes us fair and open. Encourage an underappreciated corner of fandom to help keep us diverse.

Just as the WASFF Board and SwanCon committees volunteer their time to promote and support fandom, we also encourage all of our members to consider volunteering at the con. Every contribution, even the smallest and most sincere, helps.

wasff, swancon

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