Eek - my interviews seem so long! Sorry for clogging up the flists for people who read this lj for other reasons!! I think I must ask long questions or too many or something! But 5 questions per person seems so brief to capture a scene. Just a reminder that the Snapshot ends this weekend.
I've been having fun and games with this 2 fruit/5 veggies thing. It's been quite an interesting exercise deconstructing a bunch of my own personal food myths aka habits. Firstly I've spent the last week trying this muesli and fruit thing for breakfast. I trialled a gluten free one - I didn't love that brand but there are others at the Fresh Provisions so I'm gonna pick up a new one tonight (they have a chocolate bircher muesli that has dark chocolate bits in it - is that wrong? I can't tell). Here are some funny things I've had to overcome with breakfast:
- gluten free muesli is expensive - yep, it is. It's about $12 a box. OMG!
You know what I normally have for breakfast? And have done for the last 15 years or so. A muffin. Yep. I buy a muffin at between $3 and $4 a go. A muffin, which by the way, is cake by another name and shape. So, in fact, gluten free muesli is NOT a more expensive breakfast choice for me.
- I've had muesli with a banana on top every morning for the last week (didn't really like the addition of yoghurt, struggling with the texture thing as it is). Check it out!!! That thing? About being able to get through the morning til lunch on breakfast? And having more energy? Bloody hell - it's true!!!
- I seem really good at adhering to rules about nutrition but ONLY if they suit me - the one I am really struggling with is - can I really have more than 2 serves of fruit a day? See, if you're on a diet, they say no, too much sugar. But what they don't mean when they say that is have 5 biscuits, icecream, a chocolate bar, a bag of marhsmallows etc instead. Seriously seriously seriously needing to consciously work at being ok with having more than two fruits a day, if I want. Especially interesting when comparing it to what I might have eaten instead.