Last night
mynxii and I went to the first movie of the season at the Somerville! Yay! I so love the Somerville! We saw "Please, Please Me" which was a french farce of hilarious proporions. I do not enjoy slapstick or situational humour so I was quite surprised to find myself screaming with laughter. I left with a headache from laughing so hard. It was really really good. Highly recommended!
kathrynlinge organised to pick up gourmet pizzas on the way through and we sat on the lawn and picnicked beforehand. There was a little bit of spitting from the sky, nothing too bad, and usually the reason I don't venture out to the Somerville for the first in the season. I'm very glad I did. Disappointments though for the single serve Connoisseur icecreams which were gone (factory no longer makes em due to move over east) and the coffee ... well, it insulted me. But the company was great, the movie was fabulous. Bring on more of the Festival, I say!!!
I have just posted my
recommended reading list over at
lastshortstory. I'll dissect my reading perspective and point out about 25% are male and of those, about half are Jewish.
I'm off to yoga tonight, hopefully to dissipate some of the full moon angst I seem to have acquired.