Mostly I feel like I've been sent through a hedge backwards - that would be my mother's saying. I'm kinda just running on reserves right now and I look and feel pretty damn knackered.
Other happenings this week: I was offered a 6 month contract out of Job Interview 1. This made me have to discuss options with my current boss and enquire about Job Interview 2. I was unsuccessful and wasn't even candidate number 2 for that and he had no money to offer me something else. So I took the job offer. Then I got emailed my job rejection. Soon they will just tweet those to you. In the New World. And right this second, my boss just popped his head in to ask me if I took the job cause he was vaguely thinking he could shuffle some money around, maybe. Doh! And yesterday A_ called me to tell me that the powers that be were finally looking into the situation of something related to my old position and the work I was doing. Two months TOO LATE. And guess what the new job will be? Being the me that the other dept wanted me to me in this dept. So ... the same advice will happen it will just be in house instead. Or something.
So that stuff has been doing my head in. Also that even though I was merit selected via Job Interview 1, I am going to be stepping into a job above the level I was selected at so they are retitling it for the 6 months and I cannot have it extended or rolled over. I have to reapply and get merit selected over there for the next level up if I want to. One wonders what the point of round 1 job application actually was.
Then I got home last night and was inspecting my cleaning handiwork and noticed "issues". I started to feel that my cleaning had been inadequate just as Benji came in and sat right next to the "problem area". He is now banned from the bathroom for the time being and I am just not focussing on that aspect. Anyway, on close inspection I have discovered that the toilet is STILL LEAKING. Ferfucksake! He's replaced the plastic o-ring with a wax sealant but when he joined the two pieces, he did so at the top and bottom rather than say mid-point horizontally and the joins are pretty thin wax so yeah it's fucking still leaking. And I just don't think I can cope. I really really can't face him coming into my house, I can't even tell you much of why, it's too revolting. And I can't, can't can't can't, have the toilet taken apart again and have to clean it all up again. I don't have it in me. I just don't.
I didn't sleep well again last night - I was so wide awake even though I was really really tired. A lovely friend had come round and distracted me by taking care of dinner, watching Celebrity Masterchef and mocking the contestants with me and then watching a bit of Dexter. It was good to try and feel normal and relaxed.
I'm ignoring a problem in my bathroom whilst knowing it's not going to go away but it makes me want to cry.