Roadkill/Siren Beat

Aug 19, 2009 20:46

cassiphone has blogged a nice summary of the evolution of the Roadkill/Siren Beat project here

(this is btw the project that has had Alisa Twittering about 'tentacle sex' for some time now. In the interests of accuracy I should state now that there is less actual tentacle sex in "Siren Beat" than there was unicorn rape in "Horn" - but tentacle kink there most definitely is, oh yes. Also a very sexy sea-pony. No, really)

There's a sexy sea-pony. You HAVE to buy a story with a sexy sea-pony. I mean, that's a rule or something.

I ended up writing a piece I was incredibly proud of, featuring a broken, disabled immortal hero, Nancy Napoleon, and transforming the Hobart docks into a world of seedy magic and skanky nightclubs. I love it to bits, and I plan to write Nancy Napoleon novels at some point... in the mean time, the anthology project fell through, and I handed the orphaned project on to Alisa to see if it was something she would be interested in.

Sadly, though Siren Beat skates the lower end of novella length, technically speaking, it was still going to be far too slimline for the TPP novella series - on its own, that is. But Alisa also had Robert Shearman's "Roadkill" up her sleeve, and being the evil genius that she is, she decided to bring the two together and force her layout person (hi Tehani!) to figure out how to publish half a book upside down.

Start hassling her now for a Nancy Napolean novel. Tansy has a ton of projects on her to do list but I promise you, you WANT more Nancy Napolean. Heck I know I do!

roadkill, novella series, twelfth planet press, siren beat

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