So we've hinted at some changes that are going to happen around these parts.
We're excited to welcome three new members to our crew, taking our numbers to 8! So please welcome aboard Sarah Parker (
callistra), Jason Fischer (
jasonfischer) and Tehani Wessely (
With the extra members of our team we hope to bypass reader burnout of the 2008 crew, increase the blogging over here at the
lastshortstory blog and add some further diversity to the team's reading tastes and the lists. And with 8 members, we hope that the team as a whole reads all the works published, but that requirement will not extend to each individual member. We are going to be more focused on finding the best reads and rec'ing them in 2009.
And the big one - we are going to be trying to read apace as a team to increase dialogue between us in real reading time as well as trying to read at the publishing pace of 2009.
So a little more about our newest members:
Sarah Parker
Sarah Parker has loved reading for as long as she can remember. University slowed her down for a bit, and children slowed her down even further. She is thrilled to be a part of the LSS project, and is also excited to start reading at tremendous speeds again! Sarah likes to practice juggling - juggling children, writing, reading, blogging, cooking, and sometimes even seeing friends in real life too.
Jason Fischer
Jason Fischer is based in Adelaide, South Australia. He is a graduate of the 2007 Clarion South workshop, and a recent Finalist in the Writers of the Future contest. He has a story in Jack Dann's new anthology Dreaming Again, and stories in Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine, Apex Online and Aurealis Magazine (forthcoming). Jason likes zombies and post-apocalyptic settings, and when he's not writing he wishes he was. He can be found online at, and is a contributing member of the Daily Cabal.
Tehani Wessely
Tehani Wessely is one of the mad fools who helped start Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine. Now firmly entrenched in Australian speculative fiction and small press, she also judges for the Aurealis Awards, reads far more in one genre than is healthy, and writes reviews, non-fiction and interviews for Andromeda Spaceways and ASif! (depending on who is silly enough to give her more books!). In her spare moments, she works full time as a Teacher Librarian and enjoys her husband and two children. Tehani is the editor of ASIM #4, #16, #27 and #31, three Best Of ASIM e-anthologies and edited two more ASIM issues in 2008. She joined Twelfth Planet and now coedits the ezine Shiny and is coediting the anthology New Ceres Nights, out in 2009.