Twelfth Planet Press is excited to announce the forthcoming publication of the second novella in our ongoing series: Robot War Espresso by Robert Hood. This YA science fiction novella, packed full of exploding robots and coffee, will be launched at
Conjecture, the Australian SF National Convention, in Adelaide, June 5-8, 2009.
Robert Hood's new collection of short stories Creeping in Reptile Flesh was recently launched at Conflux 5. The collection is gathered around a loose theme dictated by the title story - a 20,000 word novella - in which one man embarks on an investigation into a maverick Member of Parliament whose eccentric exterior may hide the seeds of apocalypse. Creeping in Reptile Flesh is available from the Twelfth Planet Press
website. Hood also blogs daily about giant monsters, ghosts, zombies and general weird stuff at
Undead Backbrain.