Feb 20, 2005 16:37
WHO ...
Makes you laugh the most? I would have to say my brothers..but I laugh at everyone
Do you have a crush on? who DON'T I have a crush on?!
Can make you feel better no matter what? two words: RANCH DIP
Has it easier, guys or girls? well guys can pee standing up....
Do you love? my family & my friends; they are my passion
Sit by the phone and wait for a call? not directly by the phone...maybe around it...but defintely not waiting....
Save msn/aim conversations? oh this question is dumb....ya once in high school...lol!
Save emails? my computer does it automatically
Wish you were somebody else? maybe Jennifer Garner
Cry because of someone's mean words? yes
BEST ...
TV station? BRAVO or the Food Channel
Most recent advice given to you? "Don't go in there, it smells." lol
Food? two words: RANCH DIP, oh & sushi
Bands? Dave Matthews Band (always my fav.)
Fallen for your friend's bf/gf? homie don't play that game
Kissed someone who was JUST a friend? lol what do you think an ass buddy is?!
Cheated on someone? defintely not
Been cheated on? ugh lets not go there
Done something you regret? sophmore year (you know what I'm talkin about Susi! lol)
You talked to? Suzannie
You hugged? mommy!
You instant messaged? Kevin
You yelled at? lol I would call it more of an ass-raping...Bradley
You laughed with? my parents & my bro