i'm bored and i smell :(
it's 4am of day 20 on the road and i'm at a laundromat on the isle of palms, south carolina. i finally had to break down and do my laundry-- for the first part of the trip i could get away with wearing something for two or three days before it became unwearable (i'm sure that sounds disgusting to anyone who hasn't been on a road trip or in college), and then the second week my adopted mom in virginia did my laundry for me while i was living with them, but the last few days in the carolinas have been 80-90 degrees and humid and this morning i realized that i kindof smelled like a mix between seafood and wet socks.
i was TAGGED (and i'm also like, a little bored of watching underwear spin around at 4am) so here's that favorite song thing that's going around:
dierks bentley - lots of leavin' left to do (andy and a guy at my work both mentioned that this song reminded them of me and when i heard it i thought that was the best compliment ever)
patty griffin - long road (i started listening to patty griffin in 8th grade and found this song on i2hub by accident and i'm a sucker so whatever)
the killers - mr. brightside (i'm not really into anything punk anymore but i love the whole album)
jack johnson - better together (this is perfect foot-out-the-window driving music... and he is my fantasy husband)
jimmy buffet - margaritaville (this has never been my favorite song before but i heard it being played by a guy at the restaurant i was at tonight while i was sitting in the sand with a corona and now i want it to be the story of my life)
6) tom petty - free fallin' (there isn't supposed to be a #6 but WHATEVER !!! because this is the all-time best car-singing song for summer road trips)
tonight i'm staying in south carolina's lowcountry and hopefully by noon tomorrow i'll be in savannah, georgia becoming a southern belle or something. bye !