Mar 04, 2006 15:53
michele and I woke this morning in josh's bed.
Lucy and Opie, (real name Optimus Prime: leader of the autobots)
purred and nuzzled us in to lazy awake as bryan
was dressing.
josh was still comfortably napping
on the couch where he had volenteered to sleep the night before in order to ward off
the demon ghost cat that he claims resides in his basement.
Friday proved to be a mellow kind of night, with low funds and no plans in sight-
michele, bryan and i headed over to josh's osseo residency to engage in video games, peppermint schnapps,
and peter sellers in the classic 'Pink Panther' sequel. The boys constructed what they dubbed a "SUPER lounge",
which was really to couches pushed together to form a bed like surface, but no complaints here. It did get a bit awkward when Bryan took his pants off, yet i realize it was for a good casue as michele was in grave danger of dying of hypothermia.
Layered jeans save lives.
Quotes: ( from late last night, in no particular order)
*as michele sips from the bottle, "demon cats and fucking ghost bullshit.. god i hate you guys"
* "dear diary , last night i slept in josh's bed.. i got stuck between marci and bryan's morning wood."
* as josh rolls his eyes in an aggrivated sleepy stupor, "hey bryan remember how i said if i read you the night-time story about ancient greek and roman mythology , YOU promised to shut up?"
* jessica at 4. a.m.(to her dear brother josh) '"whatever ass, you ain't gotta lie to kick it."
and my dear personal favorite...
* an angry michele at 6. a.m. " Bryan, if i wake up and catch you doing something inappropriate, i will cut of your balls and nail them to that door right there... mmmm'kay?"
i love post adolesant sleepovers, no matter how seemingly weird.
The original plan was for the four of us to sleep in the very comfortable queen size bed that resided in josh's room as noone wanted to face the ghost cat unarmed.
we figured that our chances of survival were better in large numbers. However as the evening progressed and bryan got louder, michele and i got the giggles,
and josh got sleepy... it became clear that someone was going to have to get voted off of the island.
i'll let you guess who it was.
the absolute best thing about waking up in someone elses house, who incidentily is JUST as poor as you are,
is the late afternoon breakfest scavenger hunt which takes place , resulting in the gathering of ANY and ALl edible substances residing in the abode.
we had stale chips and warm dr. pepper.. it was heaven. sheer heaven.
now i'm off to shower.
josh's cats shed like mad.
honorable mentionings go to:
* "don't squeeze my chub."
* "whatever you do don't puke in my fish tank, it will throw off the PH balance..."
* "bryan your making my fish nervous"
* michele upon discovering she was to sleep back to back with bryan: " Ah, so I see we two will be doing the ass dance this evening."
* " i had a cat named snowball."
" what happened?"
" fucker died."