Mar 20, 2007 17:04
Okay, cute story: we’re trying desperately to potty train Nathan and alex. There are some kids books on the sink to distract then so that they can pee without thinking it’s coming (this is paul’s idea, which I think is silly), and a jar of individually wrapped lifesavers- treats for big boys! (and me. Hey, I pee too.) so we go over this again and again. “Poop goes in the potty.” It’s my new mantra. I’ve even written a few songs about it: “Noooo poooop, in the tub!” They seem to really really like that one. Anyhow, I’m running their bath water last night so we can take a tubby, and i go upstairs to get them, only to find Alex in The Squat- that identifiable position that clearly points to a rumble down under. So I scoop him up in my arms and cheer, “let’s go do it on the potty!” By the time I make it down the stairs, it’s all over. Blast!!! I was so close. Still, to supply the visual image that paul and I have both been reluctant to provide, I pull his diaper off and make him seal the deal and push it out into the potty. (totally gross, I know, but I’m getting to the cute part.) So there’s poop in our training potty for the very first time, and I try my best to be fake excited, despite the fact that I’m elating over poop. I got all pumped up and called Nathan in to Come See! So here we are- me, Alex, and Nathan- three people oogling a lump of doo in the toilet, having a party- when alex, with no pants mind you, clenches his hands into triumphant fists and throws them in the air squealing, “OH Booooy!”
I have reenacted this Oh Boy, for everyone who will listen, because in his tiny woman voice, it is clearly the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. He was ecstatic to get his candy, and Nathan was more then eager to try his luck at a turn, but to no avail. It was a small jaded victory, but I’ll take it.