Oct 29, 2004 22:34
Imagine the world was to end tomorrow, at midnight.
Imagine how all of our superficialality would be suspended. We would care more, we would begin to do the things that we always wanted to. There would be no shame, no consiquence. Everyone would feel free due to their empending doom. People who burnt bridges years ago would talk again. Old flames would be egnited again. People would set aside there differences and see eye to eye once again. There would be peace and unity among all that would live.
Now, imagine that you were to think like that. NO! Everyone would think like that. We would all live a better life. Feel free, feel alive. No regrets, no hesitience. I'd like to see that. Once in my life, before I die. That's all I ask for...
Thank you all, for whom are my friends, for whom were my friends, and whom will be my friends...
Alexander Mattias Ruddies...