Dean would say something about re-hymentation...

Apr 28, 2009 22:32 this is my virgin posting at DW. (We'll see how well that cross-posting thingy works, won't we, precious?)

Been busy, and been doing busy-work things. Nothing super-exciting. Bullet points may be best.
  • Have had house-guests (with 20 minute notice OMG) for a few days.  They just left not long ago.  My dear friend B and his family had to bring their youngest girl to the children's hospital in town because she had a seizure and [temporary, thank goodness] paralysis.  The docs detected some abnormalities, brain-wise, including excess fluid and the ratio of white-to-gray matter, but apparently it's something that sometimes presents and then the person leads a normal life.  (Or it can become more serious.  We're hoping for the former, obviously.)  She has two meds now (at two years old...*sigh*) but can go home, and so they went.  It was nice having them, although not for that reason.  I was definitely glad of my recent obssession commitment to having the house "guest-ready" at all times.  
  • B's fifteen-year-old son has hair EXACTLY like Sam Winchester's.  Wavy with no discernible style, light brown, covering his nape and hanging in his eyes.  I am NOT exaggerating.  They don't even watch SPN, but I turned on one of the eps I had recorded from this season, and everyone was like:  "OMG, A, he has hair like yours!  She's right!"  *LOL* 
  • Made plans to visit my Pittsburgh posse, and for them to come here.  Whee!  *waves to chasarumba, atomic_pencil, and sekkie*
  • Have to fly to Orlando for work on Monday, and back on Tuesday afternoon.   I admit to being slightly nervous about the flying, given this whole swine flu thing and my own asthmatic, formerly pneumoniac lungs.  Florida currently has no cases, however, and isn't actually a popular stop if one is returning from Mexico, so there's that.
  • Is anyone else excited for the debut of Glee?  No?  Just me then?  The guy behind it is the same one who created Nip/Tuck, which I know a lot of my flist follows.  I mean, it's FOX, so it doesn't pay to get TOO excited, but, still. 
  • I am excited about Remix!  Although because of it I'm reminded that I need to update my Master Fic Index sometime soon.
  • I made three-chocolate brownies with cooked frosting today.  Mmmmm.
  • I only made them because it cooled off after the rain.  Why does it matter, you might ask?  Oh, yes.  My AC, which has been "fixed" each of the last two summers and is only five years old, is once again NOT FUCKING WORKING.  If only I could hate meme it, you know?  Make me feel better, and say something really catty about it  (and or the inept service company who installed and "repaired" it) in comments, will you?
  • I have, oh, eight days left to write my lgbtfest story.  OMG.  John Winchester, please start talking to me!
  • After I write that story, I am going to write one based on this .  Hee. 
  • I haven't watched 4.19, mostly because I gleaned what it was about while peeking through my fingers at all y'all's reaction posts.  I am SKEERED.  Convince me, flist, to turn on the DVR.

health, friends, fannish stuff, cooking, i hate diy, whining, remix

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