...."Hey! I wrote that already!" club.
I was trying to glean why it was that I was all "meh" about the "big reveal" that people -including probably Dean- turn into demons in hell. And that Dean made the woobie face and was all o.0 about it. Everyone on my flist was mostly flaily hands about it, and I was all "yeah...and...?" Until I remembered that I sorta kinda already wrote that. Heh.
http://girlguidejones.livejournal.com/42279.html (Someday I will learn to make links in rich text like a big girl.)
I suppose everyone who writes in an active fandom eventually has this moment, but it was still a little weird finally having mine! If you really are going to go look for it, it's only fair to tell you that the link is to part one of a long story, and the part in question isn't until the end of part two. Not that I'd discourage anyone from reading my ENTIRE story, mind you. Heh. I still stand by my original theory in the story, no matter what Ruby has to say, that being that true hell for Dean Winchester is remembering exactly who he is and how much he misses Sammy. Him turning into a demon and going darkside would actually be *easier* on him. I really don't see that happening. YMMV.
Other random notes on our show: I was struck by the scene in the hotel room at the end where Sam is splashing water on his face. To me it really looked like Jared, and not Sam (and yeah, I know that sounds weird but you know what I mean!), to the point where I was all "Whoa! Jared! Where'd you come from?!" Anyone else? Anyone? OK. Just me then.
The part where Sam tells Dean he's trying to be more like him in the future "craphole" world was *meep*. Poor, poor boys.
I am whelmed under and also annoyed by the "Ruby is different" angle. It better turn out that she's spinning a line of crap because if they go with that I'll be appalled at that lame-ass writing getting a green light from Kripke. We've ALL read fanfic with better backstory for Ruby than that.
Was also annoyed by the continuing utter lack of caution by the boys, who routinely break into people's houses and leave their fingerprints everywhere when there's a perfectly ripe dead body there waiting for the cops to find it. It would be so easy to fix by writing them with gloves on, but I suppose at this point it's just gone on for too long to backtrack now without looking stoopid-ER. Whatev. I shall continue to groan and roll my eyes in frustration every week.
Still and all, it was great seeing them again. Missed you, boys!