...and where much fun was had with amazing people, not the least of which is
chasarumba who continues to be an amazing friend and the best possible travel buddy. The trip home took close to 23 hours, so I need time to process and possibly upload pics and write about something more informative and vaguely interesting, like, oh, say the Public Porn Perv of flight 731 ;)
Got emails and so on from various people about various projects...
Brandy (My sweet charity winner who embodies the meaning of both words herself) Thanks for your kind email...and your patience! :)
mickeym Thanks so much for covering at C_I for me! I'll be back on duty for Sunday. You rock! **mwah**
brynwulf Saw that you've begun to post: yay! Uh, if there's something I'm supposed to be looking at now, will you send it? XOXOXO
essenceofmeanin Got your .doc, and am amped to read it. Perhaps today...? Haven't opened messenger yet, but will probably be on later.
ellipsisblack Saw that I am still on beta-duty for your drugged!Sam fic, and that's fine. :)
Everyone else...uh, hi? There's no way I'm catching up on ten days' worth of LJ, so if you posted WIPs that I'd previously been chiming in on, or if you've got Big Bang filters that I'd normally opt into, or anything else **fic** you think I'd want to see or read, please drop a link.
Anybody got chocolate?
*weary sigh*