Grab-bag! Something for everyone [to skim past]!

Apr 20, 2011 19:04

    • For some inexplicable reason, when I got my new fancy DVR(s), I forgot to program GLEE and H50 to record.  I hadn't realized this until recently, as they were on hiatus anyway.  But now I see squee and meta and I am all a-flail!  How many eps have there been since hiatus ended for them?  One?  Two?  Must find...ahem...sources.
    •  I would like Stephen King to re-write The Stand.  With zombies.  Who can I bribe to do this for next year's SPN Big Bang?
    • I am embarking on a quest to be more healthy.  Have thus far lost 15 pounds and would like to continue.  If you've got a healthy recipe to share, there's no time like the present!  I went to the local indoor farmer's market-y place today and bought all fruits and veggies and specialty spices and healthy things.  (
      poisontaster  , I resisted Jeni's ice creams!)  However, I did buy two bottles of wine, which I am classifying as medicinal and you can't stop me.
    • Game of Thrones!  *yay*  Talk to me about it!   
      dotfic   has been on top of the stoopid review posts from NYT and others.  I don't mind shows I love getting panned by critics (HELLO!  I'm in SPN fandom) but at least research enough to be able to intelligently pan the material.  You are making conclusions that are not just unsupported, but completely REFUTED by the books.  Get someone to make you a Cliff notes version or something.  Sheesh.
    • The Borgias!  Someone on my flist was writing about loving Cesare.  Who was that?  I am with you!  He has chemistry like HOMG.  I would read Cesare/duvet fic.
    • I am supposed to be saving money for travel (Wincon this October, Italy with 
      chasa   next April) but instead am spending it on niche perfumes and Starbucks.  IDK.
    • Someday I will learn how to convert fic to ePub books I can read on my iPad.  (Yes, I have Word and Pages for iPad, so I could save them as docs and open them, but I want the book experience!)  I read the tutorial that 
      amalthia   has (like, 3x!) and I DL'd Calibre but after that I am lost.  Yes, I sense your surprise that I am able to push the correct buttony things on my screen to actually send this to the interwebs.  Maybe I can get the rest of the Wincon concom panel to agree to hold a panel on creating eFics.  Ha!
    • I am supposed to be writing a fic for 
      deirdre_c   about Sam discovering a kink he developed/cultivated when he was Robo-Sam.  Dean is perhaps more interested that he tries to let on.  And there's the Heartsverse one I started for 
      poisontaster   forever ago.  And the third story in the Salvationverse triad I started and never finished.  And the one where Bobby fucks up and Dean gets hurt and Sam gets pissed is languishing on my hard drive as well.  They all sound good, right?  So why am I instead writing this humongous bullety that you are barely skimming, hmmm?  *cries*
    • If I can't write, at least I have some beta-work lined up.  One for someone who always kicks ass at remix (got it, 
      nwhepcat  !) and I think I may get one for SPN BigBang too, from one of my IDOLS, 
      killabeez  . *woot*  I really enjoy beta-ing, and I've missed doing it.  Should be fun.
    • Tornado sirens last night at 3:00 AM for an HOUR.  No, really.  An hour of sirens.  Please note that the tornado siren emanates from the fire station that is literally a hundred yards from my house.  I will never get caught unawares by a tornado.  (Unless the sirens make me go deaf, ha!)  Luckily my basement is tricked out so it's not a trial when I have to retreat there.  I took my pets: aka Sammy the laptop, Dean the iPad, and Metallicar the cell phone,  along with a bottle of water and slept on the sofa.  Sure beats the damp floors, cobwebs, and cinderblock from the house where I grew up!
    • Congrats to Super-wiki for being [RIGHTFULLY!] hailed as the best fandom site evah!  Thanks to all you do for our fandom, bb's!  You deserve it.  :)

tv, glee, wincon, fic, fangirls rule the earth, tech help, remix, writing, food, weather, travel

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