DCBB 2015 - Call for Alpha Readers [CLOSED]

May 20, 2015 09:28

[Call for alpha readers is now closed--thank you all!]

Okay guys, here's the skinny:

I have officially finished the pre-draft planning for my DCBB and I'm going to get started on the early draft this week.

Anyway, as per the FAQ page on deancasbigbang, I am required to have a beta reader for things like mechanics and grammar, and I have been fortunate enough to secure the help of my dear sweet friend Michele for that. Seriously, bros, I'm going to brag on this girl for a minute because I don't think she's on here (mainly reading on AO3) and I can gush without her realizing what a moron I really am: this woman is fantastic. From what I've been able to gauge so far, she is everything that I've been looking for in a beta reader since my last one had to quit and I really think we're going to be able to create an end product that's gonna knock your socks off.

(And break your heart a little bit, if any of us know my style ahem.)

But on to what you care about if you've read through all of that: alpha readers.

Alpha readers are, apparently, sort of the cheerleaders of a Big Bang author. We are not allowed to publicly post our work before the November 1 posting date, so it can get difficult to press on without the feedback that community writers such as myself typically draw from. Seriously bros, your enthusiasm about a story makes up 90% of my enthusiasm about a story.

What I need from alpha readers: General support and feedback. Basically as though you were reading any of my other stories. However, I'd like to strive for a little con-crit and discussion of how I, as an author, can make the best contribution to the DCBB as possible. So please be willing to discuss things with me, such as ways to improve a scene that just isn't landing right. :)

What I do not need from alpha readers: Detailed mechanics and grammatical editing. That is what Michele will be doing (as well as general feedback). Often you will be looking at the rough draft of a chapter, so there may be errors when you see it, but trust me, we're on it.

Note: I will be using the privacy settings here on LJ to create an alpha reader group, that way we can use the comments section for discussion. However, this means that you must have an account to be an alpha reader.

So. Any takers?

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