Apr 04, 2015 00:39
So as some of you may know (all three of you on my friends list pfft--but hey, some people may happen upon this from prompts and such), in my real, non-fanfic-writer life, I'm an undergrad English Lit & Writing major. One of the things we're required strongly encouraged to do in my division is present academic research papers that we've written critically analyzing literature blah blah blah. Apparently the more of us that get selected, the more prestigious our school is seen as. And apparently I'm at least passable because I got selected to present at the state colloquium and the state symposium this year. Okay, now that I'm done self-fellating my own ego, let's move on.
What does this mean for you, dear readers? Not a whole lot, honestly. But the colloquium is this weekend and the symposium is next weekend, and I may not get a whole lot of work done in between the two, particularly since my mentor (a very scary man with a bald head, beard, and an eternal scowl) has taken a special interest in my symposium paper on the xenophobic content of Dracula and I feel about the same about disappointing him as most people do about disappointing a parent.
So, while I may be able to write a prompt fill here or there, my posts won't be anywhere near as constant this coming week as they have been. Odds are, no one will really notice it, most aren't even aware I'm here haha. But for anyone who may be out there lurking, I didn't want you to think I had abandoned ship so soon after making my journal and joining the LJ fanfic community.
For now, wish me luck, and I'll see you guys when I get back! :)
real-life bullshit,
the author speaks,