It was a dark and rainy night... PLAY ALONG!

Aug 04, 2005 10:30

In honor of the bad one-line awards:

It was a dark and rainy night, darker than most rainy nights because the power grid had hiccupped like a scared schoolgirl leaving the city without power for hours, darker than it should have been because her stupid husband hadn't bought any D batteries even though they were on the Home Depot list for the past two months and the backup candles couldn't be lit because he had used up all the matches lighting firecrackers on the Fourth of July and hadn't remembered to buy those either, so the two of them sat in the dark pissed off at each other without a flashlight or candles or TiVo, the rain hitting the roof and sounding like bacon hitting a hot griddle, which made them both hungry and even more pissed off because the only thing they had to eat was half a bag of stale tortilla chips.

Please post your own into my journal. Feel free to use the "It was a dark and rainy night" start or any other.
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