Oh man.... fuck you Triple J. Picking my top ten songs of all time is really really really hard. I'll think I have a decent list shaping up and then I'll realise, "Oh shit.... what about Blondie or Arcade Fire?" or "HOW CAN I PICK ONLY 1 DYLAN SONG?". And then there are the horror thoughts of The Presets getting into the top ten and that the whole Rick-rolling campaign they're running will actually work. (Seriously, though... Rick-rolling? In 2009? When we have entered the era of Keyboard Cat? QUESTION MARK?!)
Chris Taylor feels my pain. Also, appearing on "First Tuesday Bookclub" wearing glasses x
his list = fail-proof way to be voted number one on my top ten crushes of all time! Also, that sentence = me being voted number one at being the worst! EVERYONE GOES HOME A WINNER!