Spn 5x15

Mar 27, 2010 23:20

There was a lot of pie in this episode.

Please continue under the cut for quotable quotes, as well as like 3 sentences worth of random observations.

"He Who Dies with the Most Toys....Wins!" <-- The guy who's wall this was hanging on totally had a hole in the crotch of his jeans. Just saying.

"You gave yourself your own nickname? You can't do that. "
--"Who died and made you queen?"

"Where've you been?"
--"Playing Murderball."

"Did you clean?"
--"What're you, my mother? Bite me!"

"You're a zombie!"
--"I'm a taxpayer"

"There are zombies, and there are zombies"

"Awesome. Another horseman. Must be Thursday." <-- This one here is my favourite. Meta-reference/Buffy throwback all in one (must be tuesday)!

"You got anymore ammo, I'm low."
--"Yeah we got plenty, just run back past the zombies, it's in the van where we left it."
"A simple no would have been fine."

There was totally just blood splatter on the camera lens.

The music in the whole episode was so understated, that the violins at the end were kind of too much? Idek.

In conclusion: Dear Spn, thank you for making your zombies, ZOMBIES. Shot to the head kills it dead. Love, Cat XOXO

quotes, teevee, spn

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