Required Reading

Jan 24, 2009 10:47

This is your Nation on White Privilege

What's that? You read that and now you want to make angry comments saying the Privilege doesn't exist? Read the article linked at the bottom as a followup. Linked below for your convenience.And if we don't understand what the term means, and what those who use it mean as they deploy it, our misunderstandings can generate anger and heat, where really, none is called for.

Explaining White Privilege to the Deniers and the Haters
It's about responsibility, not guilt. And if one can't see the difference between those two things, there is little that this or any other article can probably do. Perhaps starting with a dictionary would be better.

Still want to make unconstructive comments? Well then, I really don't want to talk to you right now. Too busy building spreadsheets about disney, so fuck off.


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