I just use it for that alot of the time.

Apr 16, 2008 22:18

Once again due to my scattered web browsing style of opening a whole lot of tabs and then forgetting to go back to them until I have 5 other browser windows that are also completely full of tabs, I bring you yet another list 'o links.

The Rule aka the Bechdel-Wallace Test aka the Mo Movie Measure. Said movie must satisfy three requirements to pass the test. 1) It must contain at least two women, 2) who talk to each other about, 3) something other than a man.

If Women Ran Hollywood Presented in list format. Love it.

Jared + Jensen + Twizzler = OTP Still waiting for someone to upload the video to youtube because the stupid CW website won't let me watch the video.

WTF is Feminist Porn? Article from SFGate talking about the Feminist Porn Awards. Congrats go out to local Bren Ryder for picking up the Golden Beaver Award for Canadian Content.

21 and Never Been Kissed I'm older than 21, and I certainly have been kissed, but this article offers up excellent advice and anecdotes that made me feel 100x better about the stuff I haven't done. Like be in a relationship. Must read confidence builder. *smishes Fat Acceptance blogs*

How to Be a Feminist Boyfriend Alternate title should be: How to Not Be an Asshole.

How to Be a Body Positive Partner Inspired by the above link, this one's alternate title is "Don't Be a Jerk", but only because it's actually suggested in the article. I prefer "How to Not Be an Asshole: Part 2"

White Noise Noise to help you sleep.

Vagina Workshop That should probably be called Vulva Workshop. Considering the nature of efukt, it's not surprising that it isn't. If you ignore any of the commentary and just watch the video though, it's pretty awesome.

ETA: Win! No longer waiting. :D:D:D *goes to fangirl*

feminism, fat, internets, spn

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