Da Baby Boy Budda :(

Jul 05, 2006 21:01

Over the last few weeks, one of the family cats "Budda" as i called him, although he was really named Winston has been a little strange, off his food and other things he came back good for a week or two and then a few days ago he went strange again, so we packed him into a cage yesterday for the vets, he was a good boy had some blood take.

Tonight we got the bad news, things were so elivated that the vet had never ever seen them that high, he has a cronic kidney problem and there is nothing they can do. He isnt in any pain and basically the vet said whenever mum is ready (as although he is one of the family cats he is more mums baby, comix our other cat is mine :P) to bring him up to put him to sleep. He is an old cat, he is 12 and i still remember the day we got him.. he was so tiny and so skitish, he had been found in a block of units behind a washing machine by a friend of the family.

We will survive
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