Upon going through an old notebook of mine, I found a fanfiction I originally intended paired with my other Dragon Age 2 drabble,
Use Your Knives. I'm not sure whether I like it or not-so-much...
Since it's not beta-read, I don't dare share it somewhere else, but maybe... someone of you might enjoy it. Or tell me what you think of it.
Title: See This Through
Summary: F!Hawke's reaction to Ander's big moment in act 3.
Word count: short drabble(ish)
As soon as the Knight Commander and the First Enchanter have left, Hawke swoops down on him.
"You blasted idiot! You egoistic single-minded arrogant crazy--"
His calm, collected demeanour makes her even angrier than his glorious deed already has. She realizes he does not even regret what he has done and the last restraints that have held her back snap. Her palm meets his face with such force she almost knocks him off his seat.
"You! You have killed the only one ready to talk! Look at these two!-" her hand shoots out, gesturing at where Meredith and Orizo have left. "The Revered Mother Might. Have. Been. Willing. To. Talk!" Her muscles shake from the rage that soares through her body. "You. Destroyed. Everything! Everything I fought for for years!"
Anders has recovered from the blow and gotten up from his seat. "I'll leave you then," he states. And without waiting for a reaction, he turns and leaves.
"Oh no you don't!"
The shout echoes all over the plaza. "You have started this. You. Will. Not. Leave. Now."
"Then kill me," he offers.
Another slap echoes from the walls. Though a head taller than Hawke, Anders is bent over double from the pain. "You will See. This. Through. Until the end. If I have to drag you. But you won't get to walk away from this!"