...series 9 of Spooks.
Especially its main story-arc of Lucas North not being Lucas North and how he went/ returned from going darkside. And how in the end, he completely looses his grasp on reality.
The idea is that there's this woman he's loved back when they both were very young (like in their late teens/ early twenties). And now, they meet again and it turns out that Lucas has never stopped loving her. For the whole 15 years.
Yeah, ok, fine. So he really loved her. I might be able to buy that. Unless that back in series 7(?) when he returned from eight years in prison, he tried to re-connect with his wife/ exwife. Because - yadda yadda yadda - all that has kept him sane during his imprisonment was the idea of her and once seeing her again and whatnot. *yawn* I barely bought it the first time, but now...
Then, in the second half of the current series, he starts cracking. Framing a young officer of MI5 for something the man never did just because he needed some files. Brilliant. But it gets even better! He kills a computer specialist he's supposed to keep safe from the bad guys just because she mentioned some code-phrase. And if I remember it correctly, there's at least one other murder for - what? His chance to live happily ever after?
While all that might be fine for your average baddie, it just feels wrong here. I don't even mind the whole thing of getting rid of the main char again, it's good old tradition with the series. But - come on! - we've had betrayal and the section chief going darkside. And we've seen other agents becoming turncloaks before. Hell, it must have happened some five of six times already. Ruth, Tom, Tessa, Ross, Juliet,... And for better reasons, too! Love? Fine. Truly undying love? Oh whatever. Undying love again? Where are we, in some vampire soap?
Oh well, that's it now. I guess. It's certainly going to be interesting to see how they pick up for yet another series after that. Seriously, can Harry Pierce forgive the man everything? Where would they be if their senior officer got away with murder, collaboration with the enemy and treason.
Quis custodiet custodes?
Who indeed watches the watchers? So, really, can they take him back without losing all credibility? I'm afraid they can't. Unless they pull some heel-turn and construct a new layer of betrayal and secret plans underneath the one we now know about.
Well, at least the producers did a lot of fanservice before sending the current eye-candy off.