1. It rained!!! Glorious, glorious water from the sky pelted the parched ground and thirsty gardens last night. It smelled delicious even this morning, it's cooler outside, all is better when we get rain. It had been 6 weeks more or less (May 15th was the last day it rained) since we had received a drop of replenishment from Mother Nature.
2. Week 4 of summer vacation! The best thing about being a teacher and having summers off is that I have started to lose track of which day it is. People say, "ahhh man!!! Sunday went by too fast!!" and I look at them and say, "Oh yeah. It IS Sunday isn't it?".
3. Jewelry classes with Bob. I can't tell you how happy these classes make me. The lovely ladies in my class, the push for creativity, the inspiration and the hilarity make it an incredible experience. I feel more inspired jewelry-wise than I ever have, and am making one swanky piece!
4. Renovating the hall bathroom OR changing the bathroom of ick into the bathroom of funky 1890s circus-themed coolness. It's getting great in there. Pictures soon!
5. Having the freedom, free time, and sense of peace to really, truly enjoy my time now. It is an incredible feeling. I realized that this is the 1st summer vacation that I have really had since I was about 12 years old. Last summer, I worked at least once per week setting up the new school, but this year I have NOTHING!!! I really don't know what to do with myself since I am so programmed as a worker bee. I guess I'll just go take a drive and see where I end up!!!
p.s. please go and see Wall-E. It's quite an amazing movie. And you have to stay through all the end credits as they are one of the best parts of the movie. I love that there is very little dialogue throughout the film. Well except lots of "Wall-E!" "Eve-e!", etc.
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