Updated 5/15 - Everything purchased has been sent out, and I'm giving the remaining stuff back to Stana either this weekend or early next week. Thanks so much to everyone who bought from her sale and helped out!
I'm so sorry - that completely slipped my mind. You want the two listed here? I'll weigh them with the bubble mailer and see what the cost of Priority Mail will be.
I just realized WHY I had the email saved--you asked me a question! This is what I get for reading emails from my phone and meaning to reply later. Yes, the two listed here.
Okay, so I *think* that with some luck I can get them into an envelope that won't tip the scales over 13 oz (right now the two shirts alone weigh over 11oz) which would make shipping $4.50. They won't fit into a small Priority Rate box, so the next option would be $8.50 which I think is a little much considering I can flatten 'em down into an envelope or bubble mailer. The $1 extra is so I can go out and buy the right size of envelope since I only have 6X9 bubble mailers right now. So - your total would be $28.50. Please let me know if that works for you and sorry once again it took so long to figure out!
Here's the part where I feel like a complete jerk. After taking my cat to the ER vet last night, I can't do it. :(I overdrew both bank accounts paying for it! In fact, I'm about to dig through my collection and see what I can force myself to part with to help cover it.
If someone else wants them, by all means, sell them. If they're still here when I have the funds (probably a couple of weeks), I'll definitely come back and buy them. I'm SO sorry about this.
(In all fairness, I forgot until right now when I noticed that I had a comment email saved.)
If someone else wants them, by all means, sell them. If they're still here when I have the funds (probably a couple of weeks), I'll definitely come back and buy them. I'm SO sorry about this.
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