Aug 24, 2005 12:05
David R was sweet enough to buy the SFU soundtrack and burn me a copy right away, so I'm on a new music high right now. Whenever I get *good* new music, I go through the euphoria for about two days then it slows wears off. Like a drug, I swear. I had to go pick up a new copy of that book I gotta work on (since I keep giving copies away) and this whole weekend should be a developing-writing marathon. By Sunday night, I need to have a really detailed treatment all printed up and ready to go. I'm just hoping that C will co-operate by keeping G busy with the park, beach etc. Sometimes he's great about that, so let's just hope this is one of those times.
Has anyone else noticed that for the most part, there's been this weird negative vibe lately? There have been four deaths amongst friends and family, anything that possibly could go wrong, has, and then there've been two plane crashes this week. Yikes. At the risk of sounding like a hippie, there's been some bad energy kicking around. Just keep your fingers crossed it goes away soon.