Aug 03, 2005 18:44
I know no-one died, but today has pretty much being the day from HELL. I finally got my case unpacked and realised that a bunch of things were stolen, and since it's over 24 hours after we landed I have to file my claim in writing. I'm so frigging furious. The things they stole were brand new with labels still on, and I can't afford to replace a single one of them (they were gifts that I never would have been able to buy for myself anytime soon). Then, C's car wouldn't start this morning and we had to spend over $40 to find out the battery was dead and another $160 to replace it. I got bad news from home, followed by a call from the Daily News saying that even though I never ordered the newspaper, there's an amount owing in my name. On top of that, we've had a couple of unexpected things crop up, which is always shitty. But living on such a tight budget from paycheck to paycheck, these are the things that really screw you up. I'm going to have to call the landlord and tell him we'll have to send in our rent check post-dated to next week. I feel awful about it, but I can't change it. Also, I've got a nasty summer cold, and can't afford medicine right now so I'm hoping that goes away really quick.
On the upside, G is so much fun right now. She's been very sweet the past two days, and it seems like she's a fully fledged toddler already. On Sunday, it took her less than 10 minutes to complete a wooden puzzle made for ages 3+. And she's 18 months old. She's an absolute marvel to me.